A range of teacher professional learning programs will be developed to accompany the Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains online outreach...
The grasslands of the Western Volcanic Plains are listed as critically endangered under federal legislation. They are among the most under-represented ecosystems in Australia with less than 5% remaining. It is important that grasslands are managed effectively. This includes regular removal of biomass. Biomass is how much herbage or plant matter there is, which in a grassland is really about how dense the grass tussocks are. As most of the non-grass plant species in a grassland grow in the spaces between the grass tussocks, it is really important that the grasslands are either burnt, grazed or slashed to reduce the tussock density (or biomass) and allow lilies daisies, orchids and other plants to grow. Controlling weeds is also vitally important as the weeds can outcompete the native grasses and herbs.
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