A range of teacher professional learning programs will be developed to accompany the Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains online outreach...
Adjoins Kororoit Creek, Altona North. Park on the west side of Barnes Road bridge.
Melway reference:
54 J4
Walking trail
The Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek assist with maintenance and plantings.
The main vegetation type upstream of Kororoit Creek Road, for the length of Kororoit Creek, is a combination of Western Plains grassland, escarpment vegetation and riparian scrub along the watercourses. Western Plains grasslands were dominated in the past by Kangaroo Grass. The escarpment vegetation included Sweet Bursaria, Tree Violet and Blackwood. The Riparian woodlands were dominated by Red Gum, with scattered shrubs and a range of grassy wetland plants on the alluvial flats. Remnants of these vegetation communities along Kororoit Creek have been highlighted for protection.
Further information:
Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek.