A range of teacher professional learning programs will be developed to accompany the Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains online outreach...
Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs)
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) classifies vegetation in Victoria according to Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs). Each plant species included in the Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains Flora and Fauna Field Guide lists one of more EVCs that the species occurs in.
The EVCs that occur in the Victorian Volcanic Plains Bioregion include:
Name of Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) |
EVC number |
Description |
Plains Grassy Woodland |
EVC 55_61 |
Vegetation: An open, eucalypt woodland with trees to 15 m tall. The understorey is dominated by grasses or grass-like herbs (non-woody plants). Typically only a few sparse shrubs are present. Soil: Occurs on poorly drained, fertile soils, on flat or gently undulating plains at low elevations. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving approximately 500 – 700 mm annual rainfall. |
Higher Rainfall Plains Grassy Woodland |
EVC 55_63 |
Vegetation: An open, eucalypt woodland with up to 15 m tall trees, or an Acacia/Sheoak woodland to 10 m tall. The understorey is a rich diversity of grass and herbaceous species forming the ground layer, with few, sparse shrubs. Soil: Occurs on poorly drained, fertile soils on flat or gently undulating plains at low elevations. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving more than 700 mm annual rainfall |
Heavier-soils Plains Grassland |
EVC 132_61 |
Vegetation: Plants mostly less than 1 m tall including graminoid (grass, sedge, rush or similar) and upright herb (non-woody) life forms. Occasional trees or shrubs are present, but they do not significantly influence this plant community’s nutrient cycling or fire behaviour. Soil: Occurs on fertile basalt soils prone to cracking in dry periods and being seasonal waterlogged in wet periods. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving at least 500 mm annual rainfall. |
Lighter-soils Plains Grassland |
EVC 132_62 |
Vegetation: No trees present. All plants are less than 1 m tall, mainly graminoid (grass, sedge, rush or similar) and herb (non-woody) life forms. May have originally contained scattered woody plants. Soil: Occurs on freely draining red loamy basalt-derived soils and occasionally on lighter sedimentary soils. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving at least 500 mm annual rainfall. |
Low-rainfall Plains Grassland |
EVC 132_63 |
Vegetation: No trees present. Plants mostly less than 1 m tall, mainly graminoid (grass, sedge, rush or similar) and herb (non-woody) life forms. Soil: Occurs on cracking basalt soils prone to seasonal waterlogging. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall. |
Plains Woodland |
EVC 803 |
Vegetation: Woodland with trees up to 15 m tall. Understorey of grasses or sedges. The large spaces between the tussocks potentially support a range of annual or geophytic (perennial with underground bulb or tuber) herbs adapted to low summer rainfall, with low overall biomass. Soil: Occurs mostly on low terrain. The soils are fertile, sometimes seasonally waterlogged, mostly silty, loamy or clay topsoils, with heavy subsoils, largely derived from former Quaternary swamp deposits. Rainfall: Occurs in areas receiving more than 600 mm rainfall per annum. |
Creekline Grassy Woodland |
EVC 68 |
Vegetation: Eucalypt-dominated woodland with trees to 15 m tall, with occasional scattered shrubs. The ground-layer is mostly grasses, sedges and herbs. Plants in minor drainage lines can include species tolerant of waterlogged soils. The drainage lines may once have resembled a linear wetland or system of interconnected small ponds. Soil: Occurs on low-lying ephemeral to intermittent drainage lines, typically on fertile colluvial/alluvial soils on a wide range of fertile substrates. Rainfall: Average annual rainfall is generally less than 600 mm per annum. |
Plains Grassy Wetland |
EVC 125 |
Vegetation: Usually treeless but occasionally with a sparse River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) or Swamp Gum (Eucalyptus ovata). A sparse shrub layer may be present. Grasses, small sedges and herbs characteristically dominate the ground cover. The vegetation is typically species-rich on the outer verges but species-poor in the wetter central areas. Soil: Heavy clay which holds moisture. Rainfall: Average annual rainfall is less than 700 mm per annum. |
Grassy Woodland |
EVC 175 |
Vegetation: A variable open eucalypt woodland with trees to 15 m tall, or occasionally a Sheoak/Acacia woodland to 10 m tall. The ground layer is a diverse mix of grasses and herbs. Shrubs are usually sparse. Soil: Occurs on sites with deeper, more friable soils with moderate fertility, on gentle slopes or undulating hills on a range of geologies. Rainfall: Variable, from 550-700 mm per annum. |
Stony Knoll Shrubland |
EVC 649 |
Vegetation: Shrubs to 3 m tall, or low non-eucalypt woodland to 8 m tall. Understorey grassy. Soil: Occurs on low stony rises on basalt flows. The soils are fertile and well drained but shallow, with outcropping rocks, causing the soils to severely dry out in summer. Rainfall: Variable. |